The “Broker” program
This is a cgi program, run by your webserver. It sends the CGI
request to the CGI2SAS load manager.
Example HTML to run a SAS CGI request.
<form method = "POST" action = "/cgi-bin/">
<Input Name="_program" type=hidden value="mylib.mycat.listvars.scl">
<Input Name="_service" type=hidden value="demo">
<input type="text" name="mysel1" value="hello">
<input type="submit" value="submit">
In this example the SCL program “mylib.mycat.listvars.scl”
is run in the “demo” SAS service.
There are three different broker programs which you can use in
your HTML.
This python cgi program sends all the HTML variabales to SAS (via
the Load Manager) and outputs the resulting page built by SAS. The
configutation options are stored in cgi2sas.conf which should be
located in the same directory as
This is a pseudo compiled version of It is exactly the
same as except all the configuration options have been
added to the program. This helps speed things up a little as the
config file doesn't have to be parsed each transaction.
To create the broker use the following command
As allows compatability with SAS/Intrnet
Variable Names
The HTML variables and values on the form are created in SAS as
macro variables and as a SCL list. SAS/Macros do not support
duplicate variables, and HTML does support duplicate variables which
means the names have to be tweaked to make them unique.
The first “duplicate” is created in sas with the
same name as the HTML form variable. In addition the following
variables are created.
var0 – The number of duplicate entries
var1-n – Each of the duplicate values
For example :
<form method = "POST" action ="/cgi-bin/">
<Input Name="_program" type=hidden value="mylib.mycat.listvars.scl">
<Input Name="_service" type=hidden value="demo">
<select name="mysel" multiple>
<input type="submit" value="submit">
would create the following variables in SAS assuming black,
white and red were selected.
mysel = Black
mysel0 = 3
mysel1 = Black
mysel2 = White
mysel3 = Red
Service Name Renaming
This is an advanced feature. It should be used with care. You have been warned.
That said this is a very useful feature if you want to run multiple versions of the same
same service without having to make changes to your code/html to use different service names.
Service name renaming is defined in the configuration file cgi2sas.conf. In the example below
service sales is renamed to sales01.
# default service
The HTML and SAS code for the service sales still use _SERVICE=sales, however the CGI request
is sent to service sales01. The _SERVICE variable is set to the original name of the
service; in this case sales
Typically service name renaming is used in conjunction with Apache Virtual Hosts. Using Virtual
hosts allows for a seperate broker program in a CGI-BIN directory for that virtual
host using the ScriptAlias directive.
Sending Data back ot the browser.
Your SAS program should create standard CGI formatted output to
filename _webout.
The Load Manager
This takes incoming CGI requests from the broker and passes it to
the next free SAS process for that service. The Load manager supports
multiple services running multiple sessions.
The configuration file lives in ./config/cgi2sas_mgr.conf
If a SAS session fails, it will be automatically restarted.
Incoming transactions will be queued in order of arrival if
there are no free SAS processes available for that service. Queued
transactions will be cancelled if they are unable to obtain a
session within the specified timeout period.
The load manager can be run from either a win32 console window
or as a Win32 service.
The log viewer
This is a small web server which processes the logs generated when
running using log_options=detail. You can view the SAS log, Webout
and HTML vars for every transaction.
The configuration file lives in ./config/logview.conf
Currently the main restriction is that a service cant be split
across multiple hosts. Their is alpha code available to fix this but
i'm stuck with an obscure SAS socket problem (i think). Every
100(ish) transaction in SAS loses part of the socket data. If your
intrested mail me.